Sunday, November 06, 2005

Crafters Bio: Gilly's Jewels

Handcrafted beaded and metal jewelry by Gillian Quase.
Gillian enjoys the challenge of making a wide range of jewelry, suiting to many different tastes. She strives to push the color envelope with unique color combinations, but still keeping an eye out for more traditional arrangements. Gillian also re-furbishes older jewelry in order to give it a new and more updated look. Handmade silver pieces are slowly working their way into Gillian's beaded entourage, she finds the partnership of metal and color to be very appealing and allows for many possibilities in the designing of jewelry. Sparkling things have always been high on the list of wonderful things in life for Gillian, and she is more than happy to share that love of crow material with anyone who needs a little sparkle around their neck.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Crafter Bio: Christa Specht

Christa Specht, age 24, is addicted to knitting. She has been knitting for as long as she can remember, and has enjoyed knitting shirts of her own design for about 10 years. In addition to clothing, Christa has also been knitting home accessories such as cotton dishcloths, dishtowels, and potholder sets, and crocheting hats and gloves. She uses mostly acrylic yarns so that her sweaters and T-shirts are all machine washable and dryable. Everything is original with quality, comfort and style in mind!

Crafter Bio: Pomoboho Designs

Visit "My Amphetamines & my Purls", Morgan's website and blog; the home of Pomoboho.

Morgan Forrester is a textile artist, designer,
enabler and addict. Her work may be seen online, in magazines, select boutiques, and occasionaly on local celebrities and musicians. Morgan is the crochet instructor at Halifax's "The Loop".

Her personal work explores the essence of femininity through traditional "women's work". Her Pomoboho line premotes a sybarite lifestyle and proves that practicality and whimsy can co-exist. She hopes that her handmade goods inspire others to join in the current renaissance of Fibre Arts.
Morgan is based in Halifax where she lives with copious amounts of yarn and a broken spinning wheel.

Visit the Pomoboho Designs Blog "My Amphetamines & My Purls" to learn more.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Countdown!

Welcome to the "Official" blogspot for the amazing and talented group of crafters known as the UniqueFashionBonanza!!
The countdown is on before our second major event, Saturday November 5th at the Khyber Artist Run Centre on Barrington Street, Halifax, and everyone is frantically getting it all together...with all of the new plans, exciting improvements, and awesome doorprizes it should be incredible!!!
The site is currently in the process of being updated (almost daily!!!), so check in often to see new content, read our bio's, and see great pics of our wares!! And make sure to come and see all of the wicked merch for yourself, Sat. Nov. 5th!!
mines and purls -just found this -k.