Friday, October 28, 2005

Crafter Bio: Pomoboho Designs

Visit "My Amphetamines & my Purls", Morgan's website and blog; the home of Pomoboho.

Morgan Forrester is a textile artist, designer,
enabler and addict. Her work may be seen online, in magazines, select boutiques, and occasionaly on local celebrities and musicians. Morgan is the crochet instructor at Halifax's "The Loop".

Her personal work explores the essence of femininity through traditional "women's work". Her Pomoboho line premotes a sybarite lifestyle and proves that practicality and whimsy can co-exist. She hopes that her handmade goods inspire others to join in the current renaissance of Fibre Arts.
Morgan is based in Halifax where she lives with copious amounts of yarn and a broken spinning wheel.

Visit the Pomoboho Designs Blog "My Amphetamines & My Purls" to learn more.


Anonymous said...

you could hold a show by yourself

Anonymous said...

hey, i love fashion and im starting desinging and my name is Morgan forrester same as you ...FREAKY! but im only 11 and im not as great as you...